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From quote to booking, eZ Quote makes securing your cargo shipments easy, reliable and hassle free.

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Ez Quote Quote Immediately 02

Instant Price Quotes

Get immediate price quotes, no calls or paperwork!

Get immediate price quotes, no calls or paperwork!

Ez Quote Fast Track 02
Ez Quote Fast Track 02

Fast-Track Confirmation

Confirm your booking in just a few clicks.

Confirm your booking in just a few clicks.

Ez Quote Free Pricing 01
Ez Quote Free Pricing 01

Guaranteed Rates

The price you're quoted is the price you’ll pay – guaranteed.

The price you're quoted is the price you’ll pay – guaranteed.

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Ez Quote Guaranteed Apace 02

Secured Space on Board

Once you commit, so do we. eZ Quote secures your space and price in advance – no surprises.*

Once you commit, so do we. eZ Quote secures your space and price in advance – no surprises.*

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Book your shipment
Guarantee your space on board
Guarantee your space on board
Guarantee your space on board
Guarantee your space on board

Ready to book? We make it eZ!

No matter what you ship, we know that the entire shipping experience makes all the difference!

There’s no better way to book your shipment than with eZ Quote!

More eZ Quote Features You’ll Love:

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Ez Quote Secure Container Space Onboard 02222

Instant space availability

Ez Quote Secure Container Space Onboard 02
Ez Quote Secure Container Space Onboard 02

24/7 access to accurate and real-time quotes

Ez Quote Guaranteed Prices
Ez Quote Guaranteed Prices

Save your booking and pick up where you left off


Please note:

Only Standard container types are available.
The service is offered to existing and new customers.
Guaranteed space on board is subject to receiving Booking Confirmation.
*The service is offered in multiple countries, and its availability may vary over time.

All you need to know about eZ Quote

eZ Quote is a dedicated platform for Spot Quotes which allows our customers to Quote and Book with ZIM. eZ Quote is very easy to use: Checking rates and placing bookings with just a few clicks. With eZ Quote, Customers will receive a booked slot and container loading guarantee, as well as a fixed price. Join eZ Quote now: www.ezquote.zim.com.

Yes, a simple registration is required in order to give you instant access to eZ Quote. We invite you to register now: www.ezquote.zim.com.

Check out this short introductory movie for the registration process

eZ Quote is a dedicated platform for Spot Quotes only. In order to use eZ Quote, you will need a separate registration process. The registration process is simple and user-friendly. We invite you to register now: www.ezquote.zim.com.

Check out this short introductory movie for the registration process.

The container types which are supported by eZ Quote are: Dry Van 20’ and 40’containers.

At this stage the inland transport modes available on eZ Quote are via rail ramps and to certain US delivery locations only.

Currently, eZ Quote is available From/To selected ports in China, Korea, India, Vietnam, Thailand and USA only.
The eZ Quote platform will be gradually made available to additional countries, in due course.

In the eZ Quote platform, only valid prices are presented. These rates are not subject to change after the Booking Confirmation has been received. For bookings with inland transportation, the basic inland rate may be subject to additional charges.

Information about rates can be found in the eZ Quote Terms and Conditions.

As part of our Loading guarantee commitment, we provide the containers and a guaranteed slot for a period of three (3) days before or after the estimated time of departure (ETD), as indicated in your Booking Confirmation (provided that the Customer complies with the conditions stated in the eZ Quote Terms and Conditions.

For Bookings which include inland transportation, the guarantee depends on timely loading at the first ocean port.

In case we are unable to comply with the Booking Confirmation specifics, provided such non-compliance is not on account of any fault of the Client, the option to apply for a Compensation Fee is available.

A penalty will be applied in cases of a booking modification/amendment (for any reason), booking cancellation (in whole or in part) or on account of a ‘no-show’ by the Customer. A booking amendment is considered a change to transport plan such as (without limitation): a change of destination, vessel and voyage, container type, and/or number of booked containers, after the eZ Quote Booking Request has been submitted to the Carrier.

Additional information may be  found in the eZ Quote Terms and Conditions.

In eZ Quote, there is a standard free time offer, which differs between the various markets. Rates can be found at demurrage & detention tariff.

When you book in eZ Quote, you will receive an email with the Booking Confirmation. You can track and trace your Booking during the shipping process in both ZIM.com and myZIM. ZIM provides you with a full overview of your shipment from the Booking until arrival at its destination.

All you need to know about eZ Quote