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  4. Rate Increase from the East Med & Black Sea to the USEC & Gulf, Canada & Mexico
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28-12월-2023 | 09:00
Rate Increase from the East Med & Black Sea to the USEC & Gulf, Canada & Mexico
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28-12월-2023 | 09:00
Rate Increase from the East Med & Black Sea to the USEC & Gulf, Canada & Mexico

Dear Valued Customers,

ZIM Integrated shipping Services is committed to maintain a good and reliable service from the East
Med to all the USEC & Gulf, Canada & Mexico ports.
Due to the recent market developments and its implications on our network, impacting our schedules
and creating equipment shortages in our areas of service, we announce a rate increase from all the
East Med & Black Sea ports (Excluding Israel) to all the USEC & Gulf ports, Canada & Mexico as
published in our Tariff on
December 21, 2023 and effective as of January 20, 2024.

East Med & Black Sea ports to USEC, Gulf & Canada & Mexico ports (dry cargo)*:

  • $1000 per TEU
  • Above FAK rates apply only for sea carriage between above base ports. For further details on
    ZIM additional services and/or commodities kindly contact ZIM local sales.
  • Please note that FAK rates are subject to security related charges, terminal handling charges
    and peak season surcharges which are provided in ZIM Tariff Calculator as well as other charges for additional services, local charges and contingency charges. (U.S. trades are provided in www.boterates.com User: ZfreA6 Password: Access16!) as well as other charges for additional services, local charges and contingency
  • Kindly note that the rates provided herein do not constitute a price quotation. Customers
    interested in receiving a quotation and/or obtaining ZIM services are required to contact ZIM
    local sales.

Your understanding and continuous support during this challenging period are deeply appreciated, as
we remain optimistic that normalcy will be restored in the near future.

For additional information, please contact our customer service team.

ZIM Customer Service Team

(*)These rates are unaffected by, and do not affect, any tariff notified, published or filed in accordance with local
regulatory requirements. For trades subject to the US Shipping Act or the China Maritime Regulations,
application is subject to the publication and effective date requirements of those statutes / regulations.
Quotations or mitigation of published surcharges that vary from ZIM’s tariff shall not be binding unless
included in a service contract or amendment that has been filed with the Federal Maritime Commission
(“FMC”) or the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, as applicable. Further, Russian trades are excluded. For more
details contact the local sales/customer representative