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31-Oct-2024 | 12:00
Booking & Loading conditions
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31-Oct-2024 | 12:00
Booking & Loading conditions
  • The storage prices calculated based on the vessel schedule one day before gate in to the port. Please check the latest vessel schedule, free entrance and cut-off dates via the following link before you arrange the container stuffing.
  • Customers are responsible for obtaining the Verified Gross Mass (VGM). Submit the VGM details here: https://www.zim.com/tools/solas-vgm Any other VGM declarations will not be accepted.
  • Please check the POD country requirements/regulations using this link: https://www.zim.com/tr/tools/country-requirements-regulations
  • Please send your shipping instructions (SI) to the following email address: tr.si@zim.com
  • Should you have any queries regarding collection of empty containers, port gate in date or trucking services, please approach the relevant Logistic team by email:
    Izmir: log-zim-izm.tr@zim.com
    Ambarli: log-zim-ist.tr@zim.com
    Izmit: log-zim-ist.tr@zim.com
    Gemlik: gemlik@belops-ist.zim.com
    Mersin: all@belops-mer.zim.com
  • Please send your customs declaration to the specific email address associated with the relevant POL below. Sending it to any other email will result in your declaration not being processed and your booking being taken off the loading list.
    Izmir: all@belops-izm.zim.com
    Ambarli: ambarli@belops-ist.zim.com
    Izmit: izmit@belops-ist.zim.com
    Gemlik: gemlik@belops-ist.zim.com
    Mersin: all@belops-mer.zim.com
    • Please send the signed and stamped FINAL DG form with the container and seal number to tr.booking@zim.com before SI cut off. You can the IMO stickers from our port offices within working hours (08:30 - 17:00).
    • Be advised that after your hazardous cargo booking is approved, any amendments or discrepancies in the Shipping Instructions may require re-approval and could lead to your shipment being withdrawn from the loading list. Should this occur, all the responsibility and costs including unstuffing, storage, demurrage, and booking cancellation/postpone fees will be charged to the shipper.
    • For empty tank/dry containers, the completed KTF (Container Tracking Form) must be sent to our customs declaration email before cut-off date.
    • For full DV20/DV40/HC40 bookings, ZIM carrier seals must be used.
    • They are available at our port offices during office hours (08:30 - 17:00).
    • A steel seal must be used on full tank containers.
    • The shipper is responsible for ensuring a seaworthy lashing. A lashing certificate from a certified surveyor, along with photos, must be forwarded to ZIM before the cut-off date.
    • The out-of-gauge values (from left, right, top) and the clause below must be stated on the certificate:
    • The original certificate must be sent to us by courier before cut-off and the tracking number must be shared.
  • For reefer containers, the equipment details (pick-up depot/container number) will be shared by our logistics department after completing the reefer setting.
  • Booking cancellation/postpone/reduce fee is TRY 1000 TL + V.A.T. Conditions may be different for EZ-quote bookings. Refer to the following link for details: https://www.zim.com/help/ez-quote-terms-and-conditions
  • In the event that an incorrect container is selected, or an IMO sticker is wrongly attached, the shipper will bear the costs and responsibility.
  • The trucker must check the equipment very carefully before picking it up.
  • Late amendment fee (USD50 + V.A.T) will be invoiced for dividing/uniting bookings after SI cut-off.
  • You can check the local charges by following this link and selecting the relevant port: https://www.zim.com/tr/tools/local-charges?countrycode=TR&portcode=TRKPX&direction=EXP
  • No demurrage free time will be applied for cancelled/postponed bookings if the container(s) had been picked up and returned empty. Demurrage will be invoiced daily including pick up/return days according to the linked tariff. If the container is loaded full, the container must gate in the port within the free time. Otherwise, the demurrage will be invoiced as per the tariff accessible via the included link. Please select the respective POL and export tariff after opening the link.
  • If the Ashdod call is bypassed, the cargo will be discharged at Haifa. The customer is then responsible for collecting the cargo from Haifa or arranging transport to Ashdod. Any customs, screening costs, and storage fees incurred beyond 10 days will be charged to the customer's account.
  • An Overweight Surcharge (USD50/cntr) applies for 20DV shipments to the Mediterranean, Black Sea and European ports if the cargo exceeds 25 tons.
  • For special cargo (such as hazardous cargo, open top, flat rack, reefer), local charges and storage fees will be invoiced as per the special cargo tariff.
  • For valuable cargo (cargo value exceeding USD 350.000/cntr), hazardous cargo, marble, flexi tank, vehicles, scrap and personal belongings, the customer must notify us prior to the booking and must adhere to all loading protocols and procedures.
  • Non-standard/bulk/non-fixed cargo and all kinds of charcoal is prohibited. If such cargo is loaded without our knowledge, the shipper bears full responsibility and costs.
  • Cargo that misses the cut off will be rolled on to next available vessel and the expenses will be invoiced to the shipper.
  • A freight-forwarder must be used for consolidated cargo. If consolidated cargo is loaded without our knowledge, the container(s) will be stripped, and all the expenses will be on the shipper’s account.
  • More than one consignee per B/L is not acceptable. Non-compliance will result in container stripping and all associated costs being charged to the shipper.

Belstar - ZIM Turkiye Contact Center Phone Number: +902324983535

For customer service and your requirements after vessel departure, please contact tr.service@zim.com