Dear Valued Customer,
We wish to inform you that ZXB, ZIM SAPPHIRE 1W will omit Haiphong, Kaohsiung, Shanghai due to vessel will phase out ZXB and phase in ZEX service.
Relevant cargo will be t/s at Cai Mep (eta 25/Sep).
Haiphong cargo :
will be served by domestic feeder.
Kaohsiung, Shanghai discharge cargo :
plan to connect next ZXB, ZIM DIAMOND 1E (eta Cai Mep 27/Sep, Kaohsiung 4/Oct, Shanghai 7/Oct)
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause and assure you we are doing the best to find an appropriate solution for your cargo.
For further queries, or required information, please contact your ZIM local representative or visit ZIM website at: .
Our Customer Service teams are at your disposal for any inquiry
ZIM Customer Service
*Arrival times may be subject to changes and cannot be guaranteed by the carrier, as also indicated in the Bill of lading Terms and Conditions.