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Keep Cool and Carry on (Your Cargo)

The last two years of a worldwide pandemic have taught us the most essential actions to take in times of crisis. While most of the focus on cold chain in recent years has been primarily on fresh and healthy food products, the world’s population requires pharmaceuticals and medical supplies as well.

However, like many industries, the cold chain has witnessed various disruptions with complying to quarantine regulations, capacity limitations across transportation modes and especially port congestion, causing delays all around. At times like these, ports have become a significant connecting point, but pose many risks to temperature-sensitive products, which require precise attention.

Monitoring certain products is a must, especially as more premium products are entering the market, with shorter shelf life and greater sensitivity to temperature variations. Therefore, temperature control and 24/7 monitoring has become a necessary requirement for many refrigerated commodities.

However, high-end products such as sensitive fruits, ice cream, electronics, and even specialized coffee deserve special treatment as well. These products must travel extended distances and be shipped quickly to keep their freshness and quality.

The goal is to deliver cargo in the same condition it was loaded. But while it is important to always maintain and control the temperature of these products, there are many other factors that must be kept in mind:

  • Setpoint temperature – Depots set the reefer temperature manually. But to avoid mistakes, it is important to control and have immediate alerts to check that the cargo is secure and unharmed.
  • Loading and Discharge Process – Terminals tend to treat all reefers the same. The main consideration when discharging refrigerated products after a long journey is maintaining their constant temperature. A dedicated team on-ground controlling your sensitive cargo can guarantee it will be plugged as soon as it arrives and ensure it is safely transported to its final destination. The team is always equipped and prepared to respond instantly if any potential issues occur along the cold chain.
  • Land Transportation – Not only throughout the voyage at sea, but also during merchant haulage across land or during its journey to the final destination, it is essential to have a professional team to oversee the cargo’s needs in case the reefer is disconnected while stored at an external depot.

Being able to trace high-end cargo shipments and monitor their temperature conditions in real-time calls for a proactive and innovative approach to handle the challenge. At ZIM, we understand receiving notifications isn’t enough, which is why our global dedicated team will personally operate every alert, on a 24/7 basis, giving customers’ cargo the utmost attention and peace of mind.


Michal Marcus

ZIMonitor Product Manager