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Around the World With the Citrus Fruits
Around the World With the Citrus Fruits

Today, citrus fruits are grown all over the world, but they seem to have found a special home in the Mediterranean. In this article, we take a trip around the top citrus exporting countries: Israel, Egypt, Turkey, and Spain, to le…

The Rush for the “Green Gold”
The Rush for the “Green Gold”

As the agriculture sector is looking for ways to boost production, many eyes are on avocado - producing giants like Colombia and Israel. Catalina Gaviria – ZIM Colombia Sales Executive and Moti Azari – ZIM Israel Reefers Departmen…

Cold Chain Spotlight – The Intra-Med Reefer Trade
Cold Chain Spotlight – The Intra-Med Reefer Trade

What does it take to keep the cool chain up and running? Here’s what Amos Aloni, ZIM Intra-Med Line Manager shared with us about the key elements of the cold chain process in providing the world’s growing population with the best …

The Land is on Sabbatical, We Are Not
The Land is on Sabbatical, We Are Not

While record congestion continues to challenge the worlds’ busiest entry points, Israel’s agricultural landscape also marks a sabbatical year. Find out how Israel’s reefer sector managed to navigate its most successful route acros…

Technology at the Service of Israeli Agriculture - Avocado Shipping
Technology at the Service of Israeli Agriculture- Avocado Shipping

We met with Moti Azari to talk about how ZIM’s reefers, equipped with the latest CA technology, are used to…