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From Local to Global: India’s Evolution as a Pharma Powerhouse
From Local to Global: India’s Evolution as a Pharma Powerhouse

Dive into the heart of India’s pharmaceutical industry as we uncover its global impact. Our interview with Santosh Namboodiri – ZIM India Sales Manager offers insights into the country’s rise as the pharmacy of the world.

Pharma Industry Outlook: What’s Next for the Leading US Sector
Pharma Industry Outlook: What’s Next for the Leading US Sector

What does it take to ship life-saving products across the world? Find out more from Michael Mazzilli – ZIM Account Executive as we explore the opportunities and challenges, as well as the latest innovations and technologies aimed …

India’s Flourishing Exports
India’s Flourishing Exports

A few months ago, when we last spoke with Vivek Sharma – ZIM India Commercial Vice President, we discussed the flourishing pharma industry in India. Find out how things have progressed, and what other major players have entered th…

The Pharmacy of the World
The Pharmacy of the World

India is a driving force when it comes to manufacturing medicines around the world. Hear from Vivek Sharma, ZIM India Commercial Vice President, who tells us how the Indian pharmaceutical industry has experienced rapid expansion a…

Driving Change in the Pharma Arena
Driving Change in the Pharma Arena

All pharmaceuticals need to be handled with great care, especially with the recent introduction of new health guidelines. What are some points to consider? Read more to find out!

Real-Time Visibility in the Pharma Cold Chain
Real-Time Visibility in the Pharma Cold Chain

In today’s digital world, monitoring the state of our sensitive cargo is a must, especially when it comes to pharmaceuticals. In this article, we look at how transparency is essential in the pharmaceutical cold chain industry.

Italy’s Pharmaceutical Market Continues to Gain Momentum and So Does ZIM
Italy’s Pharmaceutical Market Continues to Gain Momentum and So Does ZIM

We met with Gianluca Scalisi to learn some more about the state of Italy’s exports in the pharmaceutical market and the role ZIM plays in this important segment.

ZIMonitor Reefers Aid the Pharmaceutical Industry
ZIMonitor Reefers Aid the Pharmaceutical Industry

As of end 2019, the total global pharmaceutical market was valued at $1.25 trillion, with technological innovation impacting drug development…

4 Things That Can Go Wrong When Shipping Pharmaceuticals by Ocean
4 Things That Can Go Wrong When Shipping Pharmaceuticals by Ocean

Shipping pharmaceuticals is a complicated and very costly business. After spending billions in research and trials, you want to make sure that your products arrive to their destination maintaining their efficacy and high quality.