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Fruit for Thought: Here’s Why Israeli Mangoes Are Captivating Global Markets
Fruit for Thought: Here’s Why Israeli Mangoes Are Captivating Global Markets

It’s green on the outside, sweet on the inside, and loved for its juicy flavor. This global tropical gem boasts an impressive production of 40 million tons, and Israel happens to be a key player in its cultivation. Read along to h…

India’s Flourishing Exports
India’s Flourishing Exports

A few months ago, when we last spoke with Vivek Sharma – ZIM India Commercial Vice President, we discussed the flourishing pharma industry in India. Find out how things have progressed, and what other major players have entered th…

Fruitful Opportunities at Asia Fruit Logistica 2022
Fruitful Opportunities at Asia Fruit Logistica 2022

Hear from ZIM Thailand’s reefer experts about the successful turnout at Asia Fruit Logistica 2022 in Bangkok!

Around the World With the Citrus Fruits
Around the World With the Citrus Fruits

Today, citrus fruits are grown all over the world, but they seem to have found a special home in the Mediterranean. In this article, we take a trip around the top citrus exporting countries: Israel, Egypt, Turkey, and Spain, to le…

The Pharmacy of the World
The Pharmacy of the World

India is a driving force when it comes to manufacturing medicines around the world. Hear from Vivek Sharma, ZIM India Commercial Vice President, who tells us how the Indian pharmaceutical industry has experienced rapid expansion a…

The Vietnamese Dragon Fruit Craze
The Vietnamese Dragon Fruit Craze

One of the most unique tropical fruits in Vietnam – the dragon fruit, is also considered the tastiest in the region. Read on to discover more about this delicious local staple from Choung Dang, ZIM Vietnam Special Cargo Manager, w…

Big Fish, Big Business – China’s Tilapia
Big Fish, Big Business – China’s Tilapia

With almost half the world’s global production, China is a leading player in the tilapia industry. We spoke to Maple Deng, ZIM South China & Hong Kong Import and Special Cargo Trade Manager about the increasing demand led by r…

Cold Chain Spotlight – The Intra-Med Reefer Trade
Cold Chain Spotlight – The Intra-Med Reefer Trade

What does it take to keep the cool chain up and running? Here’s what Amos Aloni, ZIM Intra-Med Line Manager shared with us about the key elements of the cold chain process in providing the world’s growing population with the best …

Make Way for The King of Thai Fruit
Make Way for The King of Thai Fruit

Whether you are a durian fan or not, you probably wondered about the mysterious fruit at some point. Nutthawut Wiwatbutsiri, ZIM Thailand Reefer Sales Manager, has got all your durian questions answered as well as a look at Thaila…